In de Statenbrief Investeringsmaatschappij breedband (PS2013-822, besproken op 30 oktober 2013) is u voorgesteld om het model van een PPS nader te onderzoeken voor de aanleg van een breedbandnetwerk in de witte gebieden van de Achterhoek.
In the States letter investment company broadband (PS2013-822, discussed on 30 October 2013) is you suggested to further investigate the model of a PPS for the construction of a broadband network in the white areas of the Achterhoek.
In the states Letter Investment broadband (PS2013-822 discussed on October 30, 2013) is suggested to explore the model of a PPP for the further construction of a broadband network in the white areas of the Achterhoek.
In the Statenbrief Investment Company broadband (PS2013-822, discussed on 30 October 2013) is being proposed to you to make the model of a PPS to further investigate for the construction of a broadband network in the white areas of the Achterhoek.