3.2 BepalingsgrenzenBepalingsgrenzen zijn afhankelijk van de gehanteer 번역 - 3.2 BepalingsgrenzenBepalingsgrenzen zijn afhankelijk van de gehanteer 영어 말하는 방법

3.2 BepalingsgrenzenBepalingsgrenze

3.2 Bepalingsgrenzen
Bepalingsgrenzen zijn afhankelijk van de gehanteerde analysemethode, maar ook van de matrix. Dat
wil zeggen dat de bepalingsgrens wordt beïnvloed door bijvoorbeeld het bodemtype of de
aanwezigheid van storende stoffen. Als gevolg hiervan kunnen de bepalingsgrenzen tussen en binnen
categorieën verschillen.
De bepalingsgrenzen voor zware metalen, PAK en organochloorbestrijdingsmiddelen worden in bijlage
IV weergegeven.
Bij de uitgevoerde zware metaalanalyses zijn weinig waarnemingen onder de bepalingsgrens. Alleen in
het geval van het metaal nikkel treden in sommige categorieën regelmatig onderschrijdingen op.
Bij PAK geldt dat vooral naftaleen nauwelijks aangetroffen wordt in de bodemmonsters. Dit is
namelijk een moeilijk te conserveren stof na de monstername vanwege de hoge mate van vluchtigheid.
De organochloorbestrijdingsmiddelen kennen zeer veel waarnemingen onder de bepalingsgrens. In de
meeste gevallen blijkt dat meer dan 50% te zijn (zie bijlage IVb).
In die gevallen dat de streefwaarde respectievelijk de achtergrondwaarde onder de bepalingsgrens ligt
wordt de streefwaarde respectievelijk de achtergrondwaarde verhoogd tot de bepalingsgrens (VROM,
2000; VROM en VW, 2007).
De mate waarin zware metalen de streefwaarde dan wel de achtergrondwaarde overschrijden wordt in
de paragrafen 3.3 en 3.4 verder besproken. Voor de organische microverbindingen wordt verwezen
naar de bijlagen VIa en VIb.
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
3.2 Determination borders
Determination limits are depending on the analytical method used, but also of the matrix. That
means that the limit of determination is affected by, for example, the soil type or the
presence of interfering substances. As a result, the differences between and within limits of determination
the determination limits for heavy metals, Suit and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are given in annex
for the heavy metal analyses carried out are few observations under the limit of determination. Only in
nickel metal case act in some categories in order regularly on.
at PAK, especially naphthalene hardly found in the soil samples. This is
namely, to preserve a hard substance after the sampling because of its high degree of volatility.
The organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) common very many sightings under the limit of determination. In most cases the
shows that more than 50% (see Annex IVb).
In those cases that the target respectively the background value under the limit of determination is
is the target respectively the background value raised to the limit of determination (VROM,
2000; VROM and VW, 2007).
the extent to which heavy metals exceed the target or the background value is discussed further in paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4
. For the organic micro connections, reference is made to the annexes VIa and VIb
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
3.2 Determination Limits
Determination Limits depend on the analytical method used, but also on the matrix. That
is to say, that the detection limit is influenced by, for example, the soil type or the
presence of interfering substances. As a result, the provision limits can between and within
different categories.
Determining limits for heavy metals, PAHs and organochlorine pesticides in Annex
IV displayed.
When the heavy metal analyzes are few observations below the limit. Only in
the case of the metal nickel occur in some classes regularly underspending on.
At that particular PAH naphthalene is hardly found in the soil samples. applies This is
a fact difficult to preserve dust after sampling due to the high degree of volatility.
, the organochlorine pesticides have very many observations below the limit. In
most cases turns out to be more than 50% (see Annex IVb).
In those cases where the target or the background value is below the limit of
the target or the background value is increased to the limit of quantification (VROM,
2000 VROM and VW, 2007).
, the degree of heavy metal target or exceed the background value is
discussed further sections 3.3 and 3.4. For the micro-organic compounds refer
to Annexes VIa and VIb.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
3.2 Recovery Rates
Recovery Rates are dependent on the method used, but also of the matrix. That
is to say that the limit of determination is influenced by for example the soil or the
presence of interfering substances. This can result in the recovery rates vary between and within
The limits for heavy metals,PAK and organochloorbestrijdingsmiddelen be in annex
IV displayed.
In the exported heavy metaalanalyses are few observations under the limit of determination. Only in the case of the metal nickel
act regularly in some categories onderschrijdingen.
In PAK, especially naphthalene hardly is found in the soil samples. This is
That is a difficult substance to preserve after sampling because of the high degree of volatility.
The organochloorbestrijdingsmiddelen know very many observations under the limit of determination. In the
most cases show that more than 50% (see Annex IVb) .
In those cases that the target value and the background level chosen for establishing under the limit of determination is
Is the target value and the background level chosen for establishing increased to the limit of determination (VROM,
2000; VROM and VW, 2007) .
The extent to which heavy metals exceed the target value or the background level chosen for establishing in
paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4 further discussed. For the organic microverbindingen reference
to the attachments VIa and VIb.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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