- De gemeenten brengen geen vergoeding voor leges en degeneratie1 in rekening. De onderhoudstermijn voor de betreffende gronden is 2 jaar de verantwoordelijkheid van de aannemer. Over de kosten voor toezicht worden nadere afspraken gemaakt.
-The municipalities do not charge for fees and degeneratie1. The maintenance period for the relevant grounds is 2 years the responsibility of the contractor. About the cost for monitoring are further agreements.
- The municipalities make no allowance for fees and degeneratie1 charged. The maintenance period for which the land is 2 years the responsibility of the contractor. On the monitoring costs can make further arrangements.
- The municipalities show no reimbursement for fees and degeneration1 into account. The maintenance interval for the grounds is 2 years the responsibility of the contractor. On the costs of monitoring are further agreements made.