Er zijn verschillende types Elektroboilers. De Elektroboiler 30 is de  번역 - Er zijn verschillende types Elektroboilers. De Elektroboiler 30 is de  영어 말하는 방법

Er zijn verschillende types Elektro

Er zijn verschillende types Elektroboilers. De Elektroboiler 30 is de kleinste Elektroboiler van Itho Daalderop en heeft een inhoud van 30 liter. Het juiste type is afhankelijk van uw situatie. Er zitten namelijk grote verschillen in het energieverbruik.

Er zijn, voor de Elektroboiler 30, wat dat betreft drie verschillende soorten. Een Mono-boiler maakt gebruik van nachtstroom: het water dat u overdag gebruikt, wordt ’s nachts tegen nachtstroomtarief verwarmd. Een Mono-Plus-boiler heeft een verwarmings-element met een hoog vermogen, waardoor u het water snel kunt opwarmen. Een Duo-boiler is een combinatie van de Mono- en de Mono-Plus-boiler; deze maakt hoofdzakelijk gebruik van goedkope nachtstroom, maar overdag kan men - indien gewenst - snel bijverwarmen.

Losstaand toestel op elektriciteit
Royaal warm water
Optimaal gebruik van nachtstroom
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
there are different types of electrical heaters. the electric heater 30 is the smallest electric boiler itho Daalderop and has a capacity of 30 liters. the right type depends on your situation. for there are big differences in energy consumption.

there, the electrical heater 30, for that matter three different types. a mono-water heater uses electricity at night:the water used during the day, is heated overnight at night flow rate. a mono-plus-water heater has a heating element with a high power, allowing you to heat up the water. quickly a dual-boiler is a combination of mono and mono-plus boiler, which mainly makes use of cheap electricity at night but during the day one can - if required - additional heating fast

.stand-alone device on electric hot water generously

best use of night power
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
There are different types of Electrical water heaters. The electrical water heater 30 is the smallest Electrical boiler of Itho D and has a capacity of 30 litres. The correct type is appropriate for your situation. There are large differences in energy consumption.

There are, for the electric water heater 30, for that matter three different types. A Mono-water heater uses night current: the water you use during the day nachtstroom overnight stay heated. A Mono-Plus hot water heater has a heating element with a high power, giving you the water can warm up quickly. A Duo-boiler is a combination of the Mono and Mono-Plus-water heater; This essentially makes use of cheap night power, but during the day one can-if desired-

fast there.Stand-alone device on electricity
Rich hot water flow optimal use of night

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
There are different types of Elektroboilers. The Elektroboiler 30 is the smallest Elektroboiler of Itho Windey and has a capacity of 30 liters. The correct type depends on your situation. There are large differences in the energy consumption.

There are, for the Elektroboiler 30, as far as that is concerned three different types. A Mono-boiler uses night power:The water you use day, night against nachtstroomtarief heated. A Mono-Plus -boiler has a heating element with a high power, which you can heat the water quickly. A Duo-boiler is a combination of the Mono- and the Mono-Plus -boiler; this is mainly use of cheap night power, but can - if desired - fast bijverwarmen.

A stand-alone device on electricity
Rich hot water
Optimal use of night power
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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