De overheid stimuleert u na te denken over duurzaamgebruik van onze af 번역 - De overheid stimuleert u na te denken over duurzaamgebruik van onze af 영어 말하는 방법

De overheid stimuleert u na te denk

De overheid stimuleert u na te denken over duurzaam
gebruik van onze afnemende natuurlijke energiebronnen,
zoals olie en gas. Tegelijk stelt u als consument steeds
hogere eisen aan het wooncomfort in uw leefomgeving.
Dit lijkt moeilijk te combineren, maar toch verlangt de
markt naar oplossingen waarbij comfort en duurzaamheid
De hybride lucht/water warmtepompen van Itho Daalderop
zijn niet alleen milieuvriendelijk, maar voldoen ook aan
de steeds strengere regelgeving bij nieuwbouw en renovatie
van woningen. Zo kunt u met een warmtepomp een
EPC-reductie realiseren tot wel 0,3. Dat levert een grote
besparing op want hoe lager de EPC, hoe energiezuiniger
de woning is. In het geval van renovatie kan een hybride
lucht/water warmtepomp u helpen om energie-labelstappen
te maken, waarmee ook een waarde-vermeerdering van
uw woning realiseert.
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
The government encourages you to think about
sustainable use of our natural resources diminishing,
such as oil and gas. at a time when consumers are becoming
sets higher requirements for living in your environment.
this seems difficult to combine, but the
longs market solutions with comfort and durability
go together.
hybrid air / water heat pumps itho Daalderop
are not only environmentally friendly, but also meet
the increasingly stringent regulations for new construction and renovation of homes
. so you can achieve with a heat pump
epc reduction of up to 0.3. which provides a large
savings because the lower the EPC, the more energy efficient the home is
. in the case of renovation can be a hybrid
air / water heat pump can help you to make energy label steps
which is also an increase in value of your property
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
The Government encourages you to think about sustainable use of our diminishing natural energy sources,

such as oil and gas. At the same time allows you as a consumer ever greater demands on the
living comfort in your living environment.
This seems difficult to combine, but still calls for the comfort and sustainability solutions market to

the hybrid air/water heat pumps by Itho D
are not only environmentally friendly, but also meet the ever more stringent regulations for new buildings and renovation

of homes. For example, you can use a heat pump realize a reduction up to 0.3
EPC. That provides large
saving on because the lower the EPC, the more energy-efficient
the House is. In the case of renovation can be a hybrid
air/water heat pump help you make energy label steps
, with which also a value-addition of
your property realizes.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
The government encourages you to think about sustainable
use of our diminishing natural sources,
such as oil and gas. At a time when consumers are increasingly
allows you higher demands on the living comfort in your environment.
This seems difficult to combine, but calls for the
market for solutions combine comfort and durability
The hybrid air/water heat pumps of Itho Windey
Are not only environmentally friendly, but also comply with more stringent regulation in
construction and renovation of houses. As you can with a heat pump a
EPC reduction achieve up to 0.3. That provides a large
savings because the lower the EPC, how energy efficient
the house is. In the case of renovation can be a hybrid
air/water heat pump help you to energy-labelstappen
,Which will also be a value-propagation of
your house achieves.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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