100:01:49,776 --> 00:01:52,913LT, dit is niet het soort plaatswaar ik  번역 - 100:01:49,776 --> 00:01:52,913LT, dit is niet het soort plaatswaar ik  영어 말하는 방법

100:01:49,776 --> 00:01:52,913LT, d

00:01:49,776 --> 00:01:52,913
LT, dit is niet het soort plaats
waar ik gepakt wil worden na de avondklok.

00:01:52,946 --> 00:01:57,451
Die kerel is door een hel gegaan.
We gaan naar binnen, pakken hem,
en gaan weer naar buiten.

00:01:57,684 --> 00:01:58,819
Doen we.

00:02:12,733 --> 00:02:15,202

00:02:16,574 --> 00:02:17,804
Rivera, tijd om naar huis te gaan.

00:02:17,838 --> 00:02:19,206
Ik ga nergens naartoe.

00:02:19,239 --> 00:02:21,108
Komop, we hebben hier geen tijd voor.

00:02:26,313 --> 00:02:27,414
Blijf staan.

00:02:28,081 --> 00:02:30,150
Rivera, je zorgd er nog voor
dat we er allemaal aangaan.

00:02:32,521 --> 00:02:33,552

00:02:43,730 --> 00:02:45,699
Niet bewegen.
Haal hem hier weg.

00:02:48,402 --> 00:02:50,003
Kom, hier.
Deze kant op.

00:03:05,018 --> 00:03:06,253
Wie ben je, dame ?.

00:03:06,286 --> 00:03:07,621
Alex Devlin, ANI Wire Service.

00:03:07,654 --> 00:03:08,689
Laten we maken dat we hier weg zijn.

00:03:13,160 --> 00:03:14,228
Wat deed je daar ?.

00:03:15,696 --> 00:03:17,231
Drugs en zwarthandel.

00:03:18,068 --> 00:03:21,168
Ik was aan het werken aan een verhaal,
en Rivera verschafte mij informatie.

00:03:21,201 --> 00:03:23,036
Hoe goed kan een verhaal zijn,
als je dood eindigd.

00:03:23,070 --> 00:03:24,938
Dat ligt aan het verhaal.

00:03:24,939 --> 00:03:26,240
Weet je wat daar aan de hand was ?.

00:03:26,241 --> 00:03:28,842
We hebben het hier niet over
een beetje gezelschaps-opium.

00:03:28,843 --> 00:03:31,213
Deze mensen controleren de helft
van alle drugs in Vietnam.

00:03:31,247 --> 00:03:32,279
Heroine, en noem maar op.

00:03:32,312 --> 00:03:34,348
Nee, laat mij vertellen wat
daar aan de hand was.

00:03:34,349 --> 00:03:38,385
Er was daar een G.I met enorm veel pijn,
drugs en problemen,
en jij hebt hem gebruikt.

00:03:40,521 --> 00:03:43,657
Rivera, zijn deelname is
misschien persoonlijk,
maar er is een groter plaatje.

00:03:49,700 --> 00:03:51,064
Het spijt me.

00:03:51,732 --> 00:03:55,335
We zien niet veel vrouwen werkend
bij de krant in Vietnam.

00:03:55,903 --> 00:03:58,405
Ik ben de enige vrouw op het
kantoor in Saigon.

00:03:58,406 --> 00:04:00,641
Ik heb er voor gevochten,
en heb het zelf bekostigd.

00:04:00,674 --> 00:04:02,643
Ik krijg nog steeds tegengas van
de herenclubs...

00:04:02,644 --> 00:04:06,647
...de gebruikelijke macho-types,
maar dat hoort erbij.

00:04:06,680 --> 00:04:08,949
Hoe lang ben je al in Saigon ?.
- Vier maanden.

00:04:08,982 --> 00:04:10,751
Ik was in An Khe, met de 1ste cavalerie...

00:04:10,752 --> 00:04:12,619
...en met de Riverine Force
op de rivier-delta.

00:04:12,620 --> 00:04:15,889
Deze oorlog verslaan,
is al net zo verwarrend als
hem te vechten.

00:04:16,662 --> 00:04:18,325
Ik snap niet hoe je dat aankan elke dag.

00:04:18,525 --> 00:04:19,593
Dat kan je niet.

00:04:19,594 --> 00:04:22,029
Je loopt heel de dag,
en zet hinderlagen op tijdens de nacht.

00:04:22,763 --> 00:04:24,565
Charlie proberen opsporen is als
het opsporen van een kolibrie.

00:04:24,698 --> 00:04:27,467
Rivera, vertelde me dat jullie unit is
teruggehaald naar MacV
voor beveiliging...

00:04:27,468 --> 00:04:29,803
...nabij Tan Son Nhut,
een verdediginglinie bij Saigon

00:04:29,837 --> 00:04:32,406
Ik dacht dat missies in de jungle
voorbij waren, maar we hebben nog
steeds onzin-missies.

00:04:32,407 --> 00:04:34,641
Als Charlie in de drugs zit,
dan moeten actie gaan ondernemen.

00:04:35,609 --> 00:04:36,777
Heb je genoeg van het vechten ?.

00:04:38,011 --> 00:04:40,581
Ik heb genoeg van de lichaams-tellingen,
de "kill-ratio"...

00:04:40,582 --> 00:04:42,850
...ik heb er genoeg van om naar gezichten
van jongens te kijken
die eruit zien als mannen...

00:04:42,851 --> 00:04:45,385
...die gedood worden, terwijl ze nog niet
eens hebben geleerd hoe zichzelf te scheren.

00:04:45,386 --> 00:04:47,955
En ik ben "Pulitzer-schrijvers" beu...

00:04:47,956 --> 00:04:50,524
...die artikels proberen te schrijven,
die de dingen moeten gaan veranderen,
voor de deadline de volgende dag.

00:04:50,757 --> 00:04:54,161
Ik ben hier niet om iets
te veranderen, lieutenant.
Ik ben hier voor de waarheid.

00:04:56,096 --> 00:04:57,598
Ze hebben het bloeden niet kunnen stoppen.

00:04:58,765 --> 00:05:01,635
Mijn God, het is niet waar.

00:05:04,671 --> 00:05:08,775
Het spijt me.
De manier hoe het gelopen is...

00:05:09,776 --> 00:05:11,645
Ze moeten gedacht hebben dat je
een gevaar was voor hun drugshandel.

00:05:11,678 --> 00:05:14,047
Het is niet jouw fout.

00:05:14,048 --> 00:05:15,883
Schrijf alleen niet hoe het gebeurd is.

00:05:16,406 --> 00:05:17,430
Wat bedoel je ?.

00:05:18,218 --> 00:05:22,288
Zo als ik zeg.
Laat het gaan,
laat hem naar huis gaan als een soldaat.

00:05:22,322 --> 00:05:24,925
Lieutenant, ik heb veel tijd in dit
verhaal gestoken.

00:05:24,926 --> 00:05:26,994
Waarom zou ik het niet schrijven
op de manier zoals het gebeurd is ?.

00:05:27,027 --> 00:05:28,729
Omdat ik je vraag om het niet te doen.

00:05:35,335 --> 00:05:38,438
Ik zeg je, de hitte heeft me te pakken.

00:05:38,439 --> 00:05:41,008
Het gebrek aan slaap sloopt me.

00:05:41,041 --> 00:05:43,844
Wat jouw sloopt, Percell,
is het gebrek aan vrouwelijk gezelschap.

00:05:44,311 --> 00:05:47,347
Ik dacht zo, Taylor, als we gestationeerd
zijn nabij Saigon...

00:05:47,348 --> 00:05:50,651
...we alle gemakken van thuis zouden hebben,
zoals aircondition.

00:05:50,684 --> 00:05:53,320
Het is geen Miami Beach,
maar je hebt 3 keer per dag warme douches...

00:05:53,321 --> 00:05:56,056
...en een dak dat niet lekt.

00:05:56,256 --> 00:05:58,625
En geen ratten die midden in de nacht
aan je teennagels zitten te knagen.

00:05:58,626 --> 00:06:00,394
Dat is meer dan jij in de Bronx had, Ru.

00:06:00,427 --> 00:06:01,728
Wat heeft Horn allemaal te zeggen, Ru ?.

00:06:01,762 --> 00:06:05,032
Hij is van plan om naar Berkeley te gaan,
als ze al het lood uit hem
hebben verwijderd...

00:06:05,033 --> 00:06:07,267
...en hij zegt verder dat zijn
enige verzetje was...

00:06:07,268 --> 00:06:09,136
...de brief die we hem stuurden,
om te zeggen dat Baker, verplaatst is
naar de Generale Staf.

00:06:09,137 --> 00:06:11,205
Hij lachte zo hard dat zijn
hechtingen los kwamen.

00:06:13,307 --> 00:06:14,340
He, sergeant !.

00:06:14,875 --> 00:06:16,376
Ik heb zojuist mijn ticket naar
het goede leven binnen.

00:06:16,377 --> 00:06:17,845
Een contract van mijn investering.

00:06:17,846 --> 00:06:19,847
Een partnerschap is wat
sergeant Bridger het noemde.

00:06:19,880 --> 00:06:21,682
Jake Bridger ?.
- Ja, sergeant.

00:06:21,683 --> 00:06:24,184
In een paar maanden zegt Marvin, gedag
tegen alle pijn en ellende...

00:06:24,251 --> 00:06:27,254
Hij wordt partner in Bridger zijn
hotel in Saigon, en ik ga met hem mee.

00:06:27,255 --> 00:06:29,122
Ik wordt Marvin zijn Entertainment Director.

00:06:29,123 --> 00:06:31,592
We gaan "The Tops",
"The Temptations" en "The Supremes" boeken.

00:06:31,625 --> 00:06:32,693
Ik moet je zeggen...

00:06:32,694 --> 00:06:35,659
...dat ik Jake Bridger
nog niet zou vertrouwen als hij mij vertelde
dat de lucht blauw is.

00:06:37,464 --> 00:06:40,167
Iedereen heeft een Jake Bridger verhaal.

00:06:40,168 --> 00:06:43,537
Sergeant, wie is die nieuw macho-piloot
waar we zo veel over horen ?.

00:06:43,570 --> 00:06:44,838
1ste lieutenant, John McKay.

00:06:44,839 --> 00:06:47,074
Een "Golden-boy", met een bepaalde reputatie.

00:06:47,075 --> 00:06:48,575
Heeft het allemaal, behalve de "witte sjaal".

00:06:48,576 --> 00:06:50,677
Hij is goed, en kent zijn zaakjes.

00:06:50,711 --> 00:06:52,145
Ik hoop ook dat dit...

00:06:52,146 --> 00:06:53,981
...net zo'n goed nieuws bevat als het mijne.

00:06:54,014 --> 00:06:55,616

00:07:07,094 --> 00:07:08,595
Mijn moeder is altijd angstig, wist je dat ?.

00:07:09,388 --> 00:07:11,098
Ze is bang dat ik niet terug kom.

00:07:11,462 --> 00:07:14,835
Ik dacht dat Tan Son Nhut
een makkelijk klusje zou worden.

00:07:16,370 --> 00:07:17,905
Je bent in Vietnam, groentje.

00:07:18,203 --> 00:07:21,608
Er is hier niks dat een makkelijk klusjes is,
nietwaar, Ru ?.

00:07:22,709 --> 00:07:27,047
Charlie heeft een kogel met een naam erop
voor iedereen.

00:07:27,447 --> 00:07:29,983
Overleven is gewoon de juiste tijd afwachten.

00:07:30,017 --> 00:07:33,086
Dat zeg je niet....dat zeg je NOOIT.

00:07:33,490 --> 00:07:35,820
Ik bedoelde er niks mee, Ruiz.

00:07:36,793 --> 00:07:38,791
Ben je misschien bijgelovig ?.

00:07:39,459 --> 00:07:41,862
We zijn allemaal bijgelovige als het op
sterven aan komt.

00:07:46,633 --> 00:07:47,901
McKay, heren.

00:07:48,235 --> 00:07:50,137
Sergeant Anderson.

00:07:50,138 --> 00:07:53,040
We moeten 10 km van An Loc zijn.

00:07:53,073 --> 00:07:55,676
Ik ben jullie chauffeur,
ik hoor dat jullie nr 1 zijn...

00:07:55,677 --> 00:07:57,578
...niet ver van helden vandaan.

00:07:57,611 --> 00:07:59,813
Dat bewijst weer eens dat je niet alles
moet geloven wat je hoord, lieutenant.

00:07:59,847 --> 00:08:02,282
Wat is dat met de luidsprekers ?.

00:08:02,316 --> 00:08:05,485
Meegenomen vanuit het "chieu hoi-programma".

00:08:05,486 --> 00:08:07,588
Ik gebruik ze om Charlie
psychisch aantevallen.

00:08:07,589 --> 00:08:09,189
Zoiets als Rock 'N Roll blijft hier.

00:08:09,223 --> 00:08:11,625
Dat is goed gevonden, Mckay.

00:08:11,626 --> 00:08:13,527
Ik laat het plastificeren,
en stop het in mijn portemonnee.

00:09:11,585 --> 00:09:15,856
Ze is knap.
Ze moet veel op haar moeder lijken.

00:09:15,889 --> 00:09:17,191
Ja, dat doet ze.

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다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
100: 01: 00: 01: 52,913 49,776-->LT, this is not the kind of placewhere I want to be caught after the curfew.200: 01: 00: 01: 57,451 52,946-->That guy is gone through hell.We go inside, suits him,and go back out.300: 01: 00: 01: 58,819 57,684-->We do.400: 02: 00: 02: 15,202 12,733-->Get out of here.500: 02: 00: 02: 17,804 16,574-->Rivera, time to go home.600: 02: 00: 02: 19,206 17,838-->I'm going going nowhere.700: 02: 00: 02: 21,108 19,239-->Come on, we have no time for.800: 02: 00: 02: 27,414 26,313-->Remain standing.928,081--> 00: 02: 00: 02: 30,150Rivera, spectacular views, there is still for youthat we all face.1000: 02: 00: 02: 33,552 32,521-->Rivera.1100: 02: 00: 02: 45,699 43,730-->Do not move.Get him out of here.1200: 02: 00: 02: 50,003 48,402-->Come, here.This side on.1300: 03: 00: 03: 06,253-05,018->Who are you, Lady?.1400: 03: 00: 03: 07,621-06,286->Alex Devlin, ANI Wire Service.1500: 03: 00: 03: 08,689-07,654->Let's make that we are out of here.1600: 03: 00: 03: 14,228 13,160-->What were you doing there?.1700: 03: 00: 03: 17,231 15,696-->Drugs and black trade.1800: 03: 00: 03: 21,168 18,068-->I was working on a story,and Rivera provided me information.1900: 03: 00: 03: 23,036 21,201-->How well can a story,If you are dead ends.2000: 03: 00: 03: 23,070--> 24,938That is to the story.2100: 03: 00: 03: 26,240 24,939-->Do you know what was going on there?.2200: 03: 00: 03: 28,842 26,241-->We are not talking abouta little Board-opium.2300: 03: 00: 03: 31,213 28,843-->These people control the halfof all drugs in Viet Nam.2400: 03: 00: 03: 32,279 31,247-->Heroine, and you name it.2500: 03: 00: 03: 34,348 32,312-->No, let me tell you whatThere was going on.2600: 03: 00: 03: 38,385 34,349-->There was there a g. I with enormous pain,drugs and problems,and you are using it.2700: 03: 00: 03: 43,657 40,521-->Rivera, his participation isMaybe personally,but there is a bigger picture.2800: 03: 00: 03: 51,064 49,700-->I'm sorry.2900: 03: 00: 03: 55,335 51,732-->We don't see many women workingat the newspaper in Viet Nam.3000: 03: 00: 03: 58,405 55,903-->I'm the only woman on theOffice in Saigon.3100: 03: 00: 04: 58,406-00,641->I have fought for,and did it myself paid for.3200: 04: 00: 04: 02,643-00,674->I still get experience a considerable share ofthe gentlemen clubs ...3300: 04: 00: 04: 06,647-02,644->... the usual macho types,but that part of the game.3400: 04: 00: 04: 08,949-06,680->How long have you been in Saigon?.-Four months.3508,982--> 00: 04: 00: 04: 10,751I was in An Khe, with the 1st Cavalry...3600: 04: 00: 04: 12,619 10,752-->... and with the Riverine Forceon the river delta.3700: 04: 00: 04: 15,889 12,620-->This war beat,is just as confusing ashim to fight.3800: 04: 00: 04: 18,325 16,662-->I don't get how you can handle that every day.3900: 04: 00: 04: 19,593 18,525-->That you can not.4000: 04: 00: 04: 22,029 19,594-->You walk all day,and set ambushes on during the night.4100: 04: 00: 04: 24,565 22,763-->Charlie try detecting is asdetecting a hummingbird.4200: 04: 00: 04: 27,467 24,698-->Rivera, told me that your unit isrecalled to MacVfor security ...4300: 04: 00: 04: 27,468-29,803->Tan Son Nhut, near the ...a verdediginglinie at Saigon4400: 04: 00: 04: 29,837-32,406->I thought missions in the junglehad passed, but we still havegetting crap missions.4500: 04: 00: 04: 32,407-34,641->As Charlie in the drug is,then have to take action.4600: 04: 00: 04: 36,777 35,609-->Do you have enough of the fighting?.4700: 04: 00: 04: 40,581 38,011-->I have plenty of body counts,the "kill ratio"...4800: 04: 00: 04: 42,850 40,582-->... I've had enough of to go to facesof guys to lookthat look like men ...4900: 04: 00: 04: 45,385 42,851-->... which are killed, while not beingeven have learned how to shave himself.5000: 04: 00: 04: 47,955 45,386-->And I'm tired.. "Pulitzer-writers".5100: 04: 00: 04: 50,524 47,956-->... which try to write articles,those things need to change,before the deadline the next day.5200: 04: 00: 04: 54,161 50,757-->I'm not here to somethingchange, lieutenant.I'm here for the truth.5300: 04: 00: 04: 57,598 56,096-->They have not able to stop the bleeding.5400: 04: 00: 05: 01,635 58,765-->My God, it's not true.5500: 05: 00: 05: 08,775-04,671->I'm sorry.The way how the run is ...5600: 05: 09,776--> 00: 05: 11,645They must have thought that youa danger was for their drug trade.5700: 05: 00: 05: 14,047 11,678-->It's not your fault.5800: 05: 00: 05: 15,883 14,048-->Just don't write how it happened.5916,406--> 00: 05: 00: 05: 17,430What do you mean?.6000: 05: 00: 05: 22,288 18,218-->So when I say.Let it go,Let him go home as a soldier.6100: 05: 00: 05: 24,925 22,322-->Lieutenant, I have a lot of time in thisstory put into it.6200: 05: 00: 05: 26,994 24,926-->Why should I not writethe way it happened?.6300: 05: 00: 05: 28,729 27,027-->Because I'm asking not to do it.6400: 05: 00: 05: 38,438 35,335-->I'm telling you, the heat has to grab me.6500: 05: 00: 05: 41,008 38,439-->The lack of sleep is wrecking me.6600: 05: 00: 05: 43,844 41,041-->What your demolishes, Percell,is the lack of female companionship.6700: 05: 00: 05: 47,347 44,311-->I thought so, Taylor, if we stationedare near Saigon...6800: 05: 00: 05: 50,651 47,348-->... we would have all the comforts of home,such as aircondition.6900: 05: 00: 05: 53,320 50,684-->It's not Miami Beach,but you have 3 times a day hot showers ...7000: 05: 00: 05: 56,056 53,321-->... and a roof that does not leak.7100: 05: 00: 05: 56,256 58,625-->And no rats in the middle of the nightto your toe nails are to gnaw.7200: 05: 00: 06: 58,626-00,394->That's more than you had in the Bronx, Ru.7300: 06: 00: 06: 01,728-00,427->What does Horn all to say, Ru?.7400: 06: 00: 06: 05,032-01,762->He plans to go to Berkeley,If they are already the lead out himhave removed ...7500: 06: 00: 06: 07,267-05,033->... and he goes on to say that hisonly break was ...7600: 06: 00: 06: 09,136-07,268->... the letter we sent him,to say that Baker, movedto the General staff.7700: 06: 09,137--> 00: 06: 11,205He laughed so hard that hissutures came loose.7800: 06: 00: 06: 14,340 13,307-->Hey, sergeant!.7900: 06: 00: 06: 16,376 14,875-->I have just had my ticket tothe good life within.8016,377--> 00: 06: 00: 06: 17,845A contract of my investment.8100: 06: 00: 06: 19,847 17,846-->A partnership is whatSergeant Bridger called it.8200: 06: 00: 06: 21,682 19,880-->Jake Bridger?.-Yes, sergeant.8300: 06: 00: 06: 24,184 21,683-->In a few months Marvin says, Helloagainst all the pain and misery ...8400: 06: 00: 06: 27,254 24,251-->He is partner in Bridger areHotel in Saigon, and I go with him.8500: 06: 00: 06: 29,122 27,255-->I is Marvin are Entertainment Director.8629,123--> 00: 06: 00: 06: 31,592We are going to "The Tops","The Temptations" and "The Supremes" books.8700: 06: 00: 06: 32,693 31,625-->I have your say ...8800: 06: 00: 06: 35,659 32,694-->... that I Jake Bridgerstill wouldn't trust as he told methat the air is blue.8900: 06: 00: 06: 40,167 37,464-->Everyone has a Jake Bridger story.9000: 06: 00: 06: 43,537 40,168-->Sergeant, who is that new macho-pilotwhere we hear so much about?.9100: 06: 00: 06: 44,838 43,570-->1st lieutenant, John McKay.9200: 06: 00: 06: 47,074 44,839-->A "Golden-boy", with a certain reputation.9300: 06: 00: 06: 48,575 47,075-->Has it all except the "white scarf".9400: 06: 00: 06: 50,677 48,576-->He's good, and knows his shops.9500: 06: 00: 06: 52,145 50,711-->I also hope that this ...9600: 06: 00: 06: 53,981 52,146-->... just contains some good news like mine.9700: 06: 00: 06: 55,616 54,014-->Our ... our.9800: 07: 00: 07: 08,595-07,094->My mother is always anxious, did you know that?.9900: 07: 00: 07: 09,388--> 11,098She is afraid I won't get back.10000: 07: 00: 07: 14,835 11,462-->I thought Tan Son Nhutwould be an easy job.10116,370--> 00: 07: 00: 07: 17,905You are in Viet Nam, rookie.10200: 07: 00: 07: 21,608 18,203-->There is nothing here that is an easy chores,right, Ru?.10300: 07: 00: 07: 27,047 22,709-->Charlie has a bullet with a name on itfor everyone.10400: 07: 00: 07: 29,983 27,447-->Survival is just the right time to wait and see.10500: 07: 00: 07: 30,017--> 33,086That you say not .... that you say never.10600: 07: 00: 07: 35,820 33,490-->I meant nothing with it, Ruiz.10700: 07: 00: 07: 38,791 36,793-->Are you perhaps superstitious?.10800: 07: 00: 07: 41,862 39,459-->We are all superstitious as the ondie comes down.10900: 07: 00: 07: 47,901 46,633-->McKay, gentlemen.11000: 07: 00: 07: 50,137 48,235-->Goldman.Sergeant Anderson.11100: 07: 00: 07: 53,040 50,138-->We need 10 km of An Loc are.11200: 07: 00: 07: 55,676 53,073-->I am your driver,I hear that you are no. 1.11300: 07: 00: 07: 57,578 55,677-->... not far from heroes come from.11400: 07: 00: 07: 59,813 57,611-->That proves once again that you are not everythinghave to believe what you heard, lieutenant.11500: 07: 00: 08: 02,282-59,847->What is it with the speakers?.11600: 08: 00: 08: 05,485-02,316->Taken from the "chieu hoi-program".11700: 08: 00: 08: 07,588-05,486->I use them to CharliePsychic attack.11800: 08: 00: 08: 09,189-07,589->Something like Rock 'n Roll remains here.11900: 08: 09,223--> 00: 08: 11,625That's good, Mckay found.12000: 08: 00: 08: 13,527 11,626-->I let the plasticizing,and stick it in my wallet.12100: 09: 11,585--> 00: 09: 15,856She is handsome.She has to much on her mother seem.12200: 09: 15,889--> 00: 09: 17,191Yes, she does.12300
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
00: 01: 49.776 -> 00: 01: 52.913
LT, this is not the kind of place
where I want to be caught after curfew. 2 00: 01: 52.946 -> 00: 01: 57.451 This guy is a Hell gone. We go in, grab him, and go back out. 3 00: 01: 57.684 -> 00: 01: 58.819 we do. 4 00: 02: 12,733 -> 00: 02: 15.202 Get out. 5 00: 02: 16,574 -> 00: 02: 17.804 Rivera, time to go home. 6 00: 02: 17.838 -> 00: 02: 19.206 I'm not going anywhere. 7 00: 02: 19.239 - > 00: 02: 21.108 Come on, we have no time for this. 8 00: 02: 26.313 -> 00: 02: 27.414 Stand. 9 00: 02: 28.081 -> 00: 02: 30.150 Rivera, you cared for There for we all enter into it. 10 00: 02: 32.521 -> 00: 02: 33.552 Rivera. 11 00: 02: 43.730 -> 00: 02: 45.699 Do not move. Get him out of here. 12 00: 02: 48.402 -> 00: 02: 50.003 Come here. This way. 13 00: 03: 05.018 -> 00: 03: 06.253 Who are you, lady?. 14 00: 03: 06.286 -> 00 : 03: 07.621 Alex Devlin, ANI Wire Service. 15 00: 03: 07.654 -> 00: 03: 08.689 Let us out of here. 16 00: 03: 13,160 -> 00: 03: 14.228 What did you there?. 17 00: 03: 15.696 -> 00: 03: 17.231 Drugs and the black market. 18 00: 03: 18.068 -> 00: 03: 21.168 I was working on a story, and Rivera gave me information . 19 00: 03: 21.201 -> 00: 03: 23.036 How well can be a story, if you are dead ends. 20 00: 03: 23,070 -> 00: 03: 24.938 That is the story. 21 00: 03: 24.939 -> 00: 03: 26.240 You know what was going on there?. 22 00: 03: 26.241 -> 00: 03: 28.842 We're not talking here about a little pet opium. 23 00: 03: 28.843 -> 00: 03: 31.213 These people control half of all drugs in Vietnam. 24 00: 03: 31.247 -> 00: 03: 32.279 Heroine, and so on. 25 00: 03: 32.312 - -> 00: 03: 34.348 No, let me tell you what it was going on. 26 00: 03: 34.349 -> 00: 03: 38.385 There was a GI with a lot of pain, and drug problems, and you have using it. 27 00: 03: 40.521 -> 00: 03: 43.657 Rivera, his participation is perhaps personally, but there is a bigger picture. 28 00: 03: 49,700 -> 00: 03: 51.064 I'm sorry. 29 00: 03: 51.732 -> 00: 03: 55.335 We do not see many women working at the newspaper in Vietnam. 30 00: 03: 55.903 -> 00: 03: 58.405 I'm the only woman at the office in Saigon . 31 00: 03: 58.406 -> 00: 04: 00.641 I have fought for, and got paid for it yourself. 32 00: 04: 00.674 -> 00: 04: 02.643 I still get opposition from the men's clubs. .. 33 00: 04: 02.644 -> 00: 04: 06.647 ... the usual macho types, but that goes with it. 34 00: 04: 06.680 -> 00: 04: 08.949 How long have you been in Saigon?. - Four months. 35 00: 04: 08.982 -> 00: 04: 10.751 I was in An Khe with the 1st Cavalry ... 36 00: 04: 10,752 -> 00: 04: 12.619 .. .and the Riverine Force of the river delta. 37 00: 04: 12.620 -> 00: 04: 15.889 to beat this war is just as confusing as to fight him. 38 00: 04: 16,662 -> 00 : 04: 18.325 I do not know how you can handle every day. 39 00: 04: 18,525 -> 00: 04: 19.593 That you can not. 40 00: 04: 19.594 -> 00: 04: 22.029 You walk across the day, and set ambushes during the night. 41 00: 04: 22.763 -> 00: 04: 24.565 Charlie trying to detect as the detection of a hummingbird. 42 00: 04: 24.698 -> 00: 04: 27.467 Rivera, told me that your unit is brought back to MACV security ... 43 00: 04: 27.468 -> 00: 04: 29.803 ... near Tan Son Nhut, a defense line at Saigon 44 00: 04: 29.837 - > 00: 04: 32.406 I thought missions in the jungle were over, but we have always nonsense missions. 45 00: 04: 32.407 -> 00: 04: 34.641 If Charlie is in the drugs, they must go action . entrepreneurship 46 00: 04: 35.609 -> 00: 04: 36.777 Are you tired of fighting?. 47 00: 04: 38.011 -> 00: 04: 40.581 I have plenty of body counts, the "kill ratio "... 48 00: 04: 40.582 -> 00: 04: 42.850 ... I've had enough of faces to look at guys who look like men ... 49 00: 04: 42.851 - -> 00: 04: 45.385 ... that are slain, while they have not even learned how to shave himself. 50 00: 04: 45.386 -> 00: 04: 47.955 And I'm 'Pulitzer-writers "fed up. .. 51 00: 04: 47.956 -> 00: 04: 50.524 ... who try to write articles, which have to change things before the deadline the next day. 52 00: 04: 50.757 -> 00: 04: 54.161 I'm not here to do something to change, lieutenant. I'm here for the truth. 53 00: 04: 56.096 -> 00: 04: 57.598 . They can not stop the bleeding 54 00: 04: 58.765 - -> 00: 05: 01.635 My God, it's not true. 55 00: 05: 04.671 -> 00: 05: 08.775 I'm sorry. The way it's gone ... 56 00: 05: 09.776 - > 00: 05: 11.645 They must have thought you were a danger to their drug trafficking. 57 00: 05: 11,678 -> 00: 05: 14,047 It's not your fault. 58 00: 05: 14.048 -> 00: 05: 15.883 write just not how it happened. 59 00: 05: 16.406 -> 00: 05: 17.430 What do you mean?. 60 00: 05: 18.218 -> 00: 05: 22.288 So if I say. Let going, let him go home as a soldier. 61 00: 05: 22.322 -> 00: 05: 24.925 Lieutenant, I have a lot of time in this story crossed. 62 00: 05: 24.926 -> 00:05: 26.994 Why not write it the way it happened?. 63 00: 05: 27.027 -> 00: 05: 28.729 . Because I ask you not to do it 64 00: 05: 35.335 -> 00 : 05: 38.438 I tell you, the heat got me. 65 00: 05: 38.439 -> 00: 05: 41.008 The lack of sleep demolishes me. 66 00: 05: 41.041 -> 00: 05: 43.844 What your demolishes, Percell, is the lack of female companionship. 67 00: 05: 44.311 -> 00: 05: 47.347 I thought so, Taylor, if we stationed near Saigon are ... 68 00: 05: 47.348 - > 00: 05: 50,651 ... we would have all the comforts of home, including air conditioning. 69 00: 05: 50.684 -> 00: 05: 53.320 It's not Miami Beach, but you have 3 times a day hot showers. .. 70 00: 05: 53.321 -> 00: 05: 56.056 ... and a roof that does not leak. 71 00: 05: 56.256 -> 00: 05: 58.625 And no rats in the middle of the night to you Toenails are gnawing. 72 00: 05: 58.626 -> 00: 06: 00.394 That's more than you had in the Bronx, Ru. 73 00: 06: 00.427 -> 00: 06: 01.728 What does it all for Horn say, Ru?. 74 00: 06: 01.762 -> 00: 06: 05.032 He plans to go to Berkeley, as they all lead from him have been removed ... 75 00: 06: 05.033 -> 00: 06: 07.267 ... and he says that his only distraction was ... 76 00: 06: 07.268 -> 00: 06: 09.136 ... the letter that we sent him to say that Baker, is moved to the General Staff. 77 00: 06: 09.137 -> 00: 06: 11,205 He laughed so hard that his stitches came loose. 78 00: 06: 13.307 -> 00: 06: 14,340 Hey, sergeant!. 79 00: 06: 14.875 -> 00: 06: 16,376 I just got my ticket to the good life in. 80 00: 06: 16.377 -> 00: 06: 17.845 A contract of my investment. 81 00:06: 17.846 -> 00: 06: 19.847 A partnership is what Sergeant Bridger called it. 82 00: 06: 19,880 -> 00: 06: 21.682 Jake Bridger?. - Yes, sergeant. 83 00: 06: 21.683 -> 00: 06: 24.184 In a few months, says Marvin, hello to all the pain and misery ... 84 00: 06: 24.251 -> 00: 06: 27.254 He is a partner in Bridger his hotel in Saigon, and I go with him along. 85 00: 06: 27.255 -> 00: 06: 29.122 I will be Marvin Entertainment Director. 86 00: 06: 29.123 -> 00: 06: 31.592 We're going to "The Top", "The Temptations" and " The Supremes' books. 87 00: 06: 31.625 -> 00: 06: 32.693 I have to say ... 88 00: 06: 32.694 -> 00: 06: 35.659 ... I Jake Bridger still would not confidence when he told me that the sky is blue. 89 00: 06: 37.464 -> 00: 06: 40.167 Everyone has a story Jake Bridger. 90 00: 06: 40.168 -> 00: 06: 43,537 Sergeant, who is that new macho pilot where we hear so much about?. 91 00: 06: 43.570 -> 00: 06: 44.838 1st lieutenant, John McKay. 92 00: 06: 44.839 -> 00: 06: 47.074 A "Golden -boy "with a certain reputation. 93 00: 06: 47,075 -> 00: 06: 48.575 Has it all, except the "white scarf." 94 00: 06: 48.576 -> 00: 06: 50.677 He is well, and knows his business. 95 00: 06: 50.711 -> 00: 06: 52.145 I also hope that this ... 96 00: 06: 52.146 -> 00: 06: 53.981 ... just such contains good news like mine. 97 00: 06: 54.014 -> 00: 06: 55.616 Our ... ours. 98 00: 07: 07.094 -> 00: 07: 08.595 My mother is always anxious, you knew that ?. 99 00: 07: 09.388 -> 00: 07: 11,098 She's afraid I will not come back. 100 00: 07: 11.462 -> 00: 07: 14.835 I thought Tan Son Nhut would be an easy job . 101 00: 07: 16.370 -> 00: 07: 17.905 You are in Vietnam, rookie. 102 00: 07: 18.203 -> 00: 07: 21.608 There is nothing here that is an easy chores, do not you, Russ? . 103 00: 07: 22.709 -> 00: 07: 27.047 Charlie has a bullet with a name on it for everyone. 104 00: 07: 27.447 -> 00: 07: 29.983 Survival is just waiting for the right time. 105 00 : 07: 30.017 -> 00: 07: 33.086 You do not .... you say say NEVER. 106 00: 07: 33.490 -> 00: 07: 35.820 I did not mean nothing there, Ruiz. 107 00: 07: 36.793 -> 00: 07: 38.791 Are you perhaps superstitious?. 108 00: 07: 39.459 -> 00: 07: 41.862 We are all superstitious when it comes to die. 109 00: 07: 46.633 - > 00: 07: 47.901 McKay, gentlemen. 110 00: 07: 48.235 -> 00: 07: 50.137 Goldman. Sergeant Anderson. 111 00: 07: 50.138 -> 00: 07: 53.040 We have 10 miles of An Loc be. 112 00: 07: 53.073 -> 00: 07: 55.676 I am your driver, I hear you are No. 1 ... 113 00: 07: 55.677 -> 00: 07: 57.578 ... close Heroes from. 114 00: 07: 57.611 -> 00: 07: 59.813 That proves once again that you do not all have to believe what you heard, lieutenant. 115 00: 07: 59.847 -> 00: 08: 02.282 What is that with the speakers?. 116 00: 08: 02.316 -> 00: 08: 05.485 Taken from the "Chieu Hoi program." 117 00: 08: 05.486 -> 00: 08: 07.588 I use them to Charlie psychic they fall. 118 00: 08: 07.589 -> 00: 08: 09.189 Something like Rock 'N Roll stays here. 119 00: 08: 09.223 -> 00: 08: 11,625 That is well-found, Mckay. 120 00:08 : 11.626 -> 00: 08: 13.527 I let plasticizing, and put it in my wallet. 121 00: 09: 11,585 -> 00: 09: 15.856 She's pretty. She needs to look a lot like her mother. 122 00 : 09: 15.889 -> 00: 09: 17.191 Yes, she does. 123 00120 00: 08: 11.626 -> 00: 08: 13.527 I let plasticizing, and put it in my wallet. 121 00: 09: 11,585 -> 00: 09: 15.856 She's pretty. She has a lot on her mother seem. 122 00: 09: 15.889 -> 00: 09: 17.191 Yes, she does. 123 00120 00: 08: 11.626 -> 00: 08: 13.527 I let plasticizing, and put it in my wallet. 121 00: 09: 11,585 -> 00: 09: 15.856 She's pretty. She has a lot on her mother seem. 122 00: 09: 15.889 -> 00: 09: 17.191 Yes, she does. 123 00

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
12:01 AM:49.776 --> 12:01 AM:52,913
LT, this is not the kind of place
where i want to be caught after curfew.

12:01 AM:52.946 --> 12:01 AM:57,451
That guy is gone through hell.
We go inside, tackle him,
and go back to the outside.

12:01 AM:57.684 --> 12:01 AM:58,819
we do.

12:02 AM:12.733 --> 12:02 AM:15,202

12:02 AM:16.574 --> 12:02 AM:17,804
Rivera, time to go home.

12:02:17 AM,838 --> 12:02 AM:19,206
i go nowhere.

12:02 AM:19.239 --> 12:02 AM:21,108
Komop, where we have no time for.

12:02 AM:26.313 --> 12:02 AM:27,414

12:02 AM:28.081 --> 12:02 AM:30,150
Rivera, you still woodburning stove creates
that we all.

12:02 AM:32.521 --> 12:02 AM:33,552

12:02 AM:43.730 --> 12:02 AM:45,699
Not move.
tighten here.

12:02 AM:48.402 --> 12:02 AM:50,003
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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