Het toepassen van vloerverwarming in woningen is een comfortabeleen du 번역 - Het toepassen van vloerverwarming in woningen is een comfortabeleen du 영어 말하는 방법

Het toepassen van vloerverwarming i

Het toepassen van vloerverwarming in woningen is een comfortabele
en duurzame oplossing. In vertrekken waar minder vaak gebruik
van wordt gemaakt, vinden bewoners snelle opwarming juist
heel wenselijk. De Base Cube Duo geeft hierbij uitkomst.
De Base Cube Duo is een HR-ketel die de mogelijkheid heeft
om twee temperatuurtrajecten te maken waarbij zowel lage
temperaturen als hoge temperaturen uit één toestel worden
Met de Base Cube Duo wordt een temperatuur van 40 graden
gemaakt die via een passieve LT-verdeler en vloerverwarming
een aangenaam comfort realiseert in de woonzones. Daarnaast
kunnen vertrekken in een 2e zone, bijvoorbeeld slaapvertrekken
of badkamer, voorzien worden van radiatoren (hoog temperatuur),
omdat trage opwarming daar minder wenselijk is.
De woning wordt standaard door vloerverwarming (laag temperatuur)
verwarmd. Met een kamerthermostaat wordt de vloerverwarming
bediend. Via een tweede thermostaat kan de Base Cube Duo een
hogere temperatuur gaan maken, waarmee de radiatoren in
de 2e zone gevoed worden. Wanneer de Base Cube Duo dit doet,
zal de vloerverwarming tijdelijk afgesloten worden.
Het accumulerend vermogen van beton zorgt ervoor dat er
een optimaal klimaat in de woonkamer gehandhaafd blijft,
ook als een 2e zone om warmte vraagt.
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다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
the use of underfloor heating in homes is a comfortable and durable solution
. in rooms less use of
is made, residents find rapid warming precisely
very desirable. the base cube duo hereby outcome.
base cube duo is a high-efficiency boiler that has the ability to make

where both low two temperature rangestemperatures and high temperatures of a device to be
with the base cube duo, a temperature of 40 degrees made
which via a passive distributor and heating lt-
realizes a good comfort in the residential areas.
can also leave a 2nd zone, for example
bedrooms or bathroom, are equipped with radiators (high temperature),
because there is less desirable slow warming.
the property is by default heating (low temperature)
heated. with a room thermostat, the heating
operated. through a second thermostat base cube duo
a higher temperature will make that the radiators are fed
2nd zone. when the base cube duo doing this,
The heating will be temporarily closed.
the accumulating capacity of concrete ensures there
optimal climate in the living room is maintained,
as a 2nd zone is calling for heat.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Applying floor heating in homes is a comfortable
and sustainable solution. In rooms where less often use
very desirable correct residents find fast heat-up. The Base Cube Duo hereby outcome.
The Base Cube Duo is a HR-boiler that has the ability to be able to create two temperature pathways both low
temperatures as high temperatures from one device be
the Base Cube Duo is a temperature of 40 degrees
created through a passive LT-Distributor and floor heating
comfort realizes in the residential areas. In addition, can leave in a second zone for example,
or bathroom, sleeping rooms be equipped with radiators (high temperature),
because slow warming there less desirable.
the home is standard by floor heating (low temperature)
heated. With a room thermostat is the floor heating
operated. Through a second thermostat can the Base Cube Duo a
higher temperature, with which the radiators in
2nd zone are fed. When the Base Cube Duo do this,
the floor heating will be temporarily closed.
accumulating ability of concrete ensures that an optimum climate in the living room there
also as a 2nd zone to heat asks.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
The use of under-floor heating in homes is a comfortable
and sustainable solution. Less often In areas where use is made of
, find inhabitants rapid warming precisely
very desirable. The Base Cube Duo gives this outcome.
The Base Cube Duo is a HR-vessel which has the ability to make
to two temperatuurtrajecten which both low
Temperatures as high temperatures from one device be
with the Base Cube Duo is a temperature of 40 degrees
made via a passive LT-distributor and floor heating
a pleasant comfort achieves in the woonzones. In Addition
can leave in a 2ND zone, for example sleeping quarters
or bathroom, with radiators (high temperature) ,
There is less desirable because slow global warming.
The house is standard by underfloor heating (low temperature)
heated. With a programmable room thermostat is the underfloor heating
operated. Via a second thermostat can the Base Cube Duo make a
higher temperature, which the radiators in
the 2ND zone be powered. When the Base Cube Duo do this,
The underfloor heating will temporarily be closed.
The accumulative power of concrete ensures that there
a optimum climate in the living room is maintained,
also if a 2ND zone to heat.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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