1.2 Sanitaire leidingen, waterleidingen 7. Koudwaterinlaat naar voorraadvat met inlaatcombinatie en doorstroombegrenzer. 8. Warmwaterleiding vanaf voorraadvat naar tappunten warm water.
1.2 sanitary pipes, water pipes 7. cold water inlet to the tank with inlet and flow limiter combination . 8. hot water from storage tank to hot water taps .
1.2 Sanitary pipes, water pipes 7. Koudwaterinlaat to stock barrel with inlet and flow limiter combination . 8. Hot water supply from stock barrel to taps hot water.
1.2 Sanitary pipes, aqueducts 7. Koudwaterinlaat to storage vessel with inlaatcombinatie and flow limiter. 8. Warmwaterleiding from storage vessel to water points hot water.