De hoofdthermostaat in het Autotemp regelsysteem is de MFT thermostaat 번역 - De hoofdthermostaat in het Autotemp regelsysteem is de MFT thermostaat 영어 말하는 방법

De hoofdthermostaat in het Autotemp

De hoofdthermostaat in het Autotemp regelsysteem is de MFT thermostaat. De MFT thermostaat is een noodzakelijk onderdeel van het warmtepompsysteem en
wordt geplaatst in de woonkamer. Met de thermostaat kunnen de instellingen voor verwarming, koeling en warm tapwater worden geregeld. Standaard wordt in het
venster de ruimtetemperatuur, dag en tijd weergegeven. De instelling op de MFT thermostaat bepaalt voor de gehele woning of er verwarmd, dan wel gekoeld wordt.
Het is niet mogelijk om in de ene ruimte te verwarmen en in een andere ruimte te koelen op hetzelfde moment. Het instelbereik van de MFT thermostaat is 18-24 °C. De voeding van de MFT thermostaat vindt plaats vanuit
de warmtepomp door een twee aderige zwakstroom
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
the main thermostat in the auto temp control is the MFT thermostat. the MFT thermostat is a necessary part of the heat pump system and
is placed in the living room. with the thermostat settings for heating, cooling and hot water can be arranged. standard room temperature, day and time displayed in the window
.the setting on the thermostat determines MFT for the whole house or heated or cooled.
it is not possible to heat in one room and cool at the same time. in another room the adjustment range of the MFT thermostat 18-24 ° c. the diet of the MFT thermostat takes place from the heat pump
by a two-wire low-voltage
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
The main thermostat temp control system in the Car is the MFT thermostat. The MFT thermostat is a necessary part of the heat pump system and
is placed in the living room. With the thermostat settings for heating, cooling and hot water. By default, the
window the room temperature, day and time. The setting on the MFT thermostat determines for the whole House is heated or cooled or there.
it is not possible to add one space to heat and cool at the same time in another room. The adjustment range of the MFT thermostat is 18-24 ° c. The power supply of the MFT thermostat takes place from
heat pump by a two-wire low-voltage
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
The hoofdthermostaat MFT in the Autotemp control system is the thermostat. The MFT thermostat is a necessary part of the heat pump system and
is placed in the living room. With the thermostat, the settings for heating, cooling, and sanitary hot water are controlled. By default, the
window the room temperature, day and time is displayed.The setting on the MFT thermostat provides for the entire property or heated or cooled.
It is not possible to heat in one room and in another room cool at the same time. The adjustment range of the MFT thermostat is 18-24 °C. The power supply of the MFT thermostat from
the heat pump by a two wire current
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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