Het pand is in 1625 gebouwd door Jacob van Campen, de architect van on 번역 - Het pand is in 1625 gebouwd door Jacob van Campen, de architect van on 영어 말하는 방법

Het pand is in 1625 gebouwd door Ja

Het pand is in 1625 gebouwd door Jacob van Campen, de architect van onder meer het Paleis op de Dam en het Mauritshuis in Den Haag. Het was voor die tijd een gigantische woning, met twee nagenoeg identieke vleugels. Het heette 'de Coymanshuizen', naar de broers Balthasar en Johannes Coymans die ieder een vleugel betrokken. Meer dan een eeuw lang zou het huis door tientallen kinderen en neven Coymans worden bewoond.

Elke generatie Coymans kende een Balthasar en een Johannes. De eerste Balthasar was een schatrijke bankier die onder meer 18.000 gulden investeerde in de handel op de Oost en die onder dekmantel van zijn bedrijf koeriersdiensten voor Willem van Oranje verrichtte. Zijn oudste zoon, de Balthasar die met diens broer Johannes het Coymanshuis liet bouwen, had vier miljoen op de Wisselbank. Een neef, Balthasar nummer 3, had zoveel aanzien dat buitenlandse vorsten in zijn huis kwamen logeren; hij investeerde vooral in Spaans Amerika en Curaçao. Diens neef, ook Balthasar, ging met broer Johannes voluit de slavenhandel in. In 1685 kreeg Balthasar-4 het asiento, een vergunning van de Spaanse kroon om jaarlijks 3000 slaven voor de Spaanse koloniën te verhandelen.

Het huidig hoofdkantoor van Amnesty Nederland. bron
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
The property was built in 1625 by Jacob van Campen, the architect of the Royal Palace and the Mauritshuis in the Hague. It was for that time a giant apartment, with two virtually identical wings. It was called ' the Coymanshuizen ', the brothers Johannes and Balthasar Coymans each wing. More than a century would the House by dozens of children and cousins Coymans are inhabited.Each generation knew a Balthasar Coymans and John. The first Balthasar was a wealthy banker who include 18,000 guilders invested in trading on the East and under cover of his company courier services for William of Orange. His eldest son, the Balthasar Coymans house built with his brother John, had four million on the Exchange bank. A nephew, Balthasar number 3, had so much respect that foreign Princes came to stay in his house; He invested especially in Spanish America and Curaçao. His nephew, Balthasar, also went with brother John in full the slave trade in. In 1685 got Balthasar-4 the assiento, a permit from the Spanish Crown to 3000 slaves for the Spanish colonies to trade.The current head office of Amnesty Netherlands. source
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
The property was built in 1625 by Jacob van Campen, the architect include the Royal Palace and the Mauritshuis in The Hague. It was at that time a giant house with two identical wings. It was called the Coymanshuizen, "the brothers Balthasar and John Coymans involved each wing. More than a century would be home by dozens of children and nephews Coymans be inhabited. Each generation Coymans had a Balthasar and John. The first Balthasar was a wealthy banker who has invested include 18,000 guilders in trading on the East and who performed under cover of its business courier services for William of Orange. His eldest son, Balthasar who had built with his brother John the Coymanshuis, had four million at the Exchange Bank. A cousin, Balthasar number 3, had so much respect that foreign princes were staying in his house; he invested primarily in Spanish America and Curacao. His cousin, also Balthasar, went with his brother John in full the slave trade. In 1685 Balthasar-4 received the asiento, a license from the Spanish crown to trade annually 3,000 slaves in the Spanish colonies. The current headquarters of Amnesty Netherlands. source

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
The property is built in 1625 by Jacob van Campen, the architect of the Palace on the Dam Square and the Mauritshuis in The Hague. It was for that time a huge house, with two almost identical wings. It was called 'the Coymanshuizen', to the brothers and Johannes Balthasar Coymans who had gathered each of which concerned a wing.More than a century, the house by dozens of children and cousins Coymans who had gathered be inhabited.

Each generation knew a Balthasar Coymans who had gathered and Johannes. The first Balthasar was a millionaire banker under more 18,000 guilders invested in the trade on the East and under a cloak of his company courier services for William of Orange was carried out. His eldest son,The Balthasar who with his brother Johannes the Coymanshuis was built, had four million on the Wisselbank. A nephew, Balthasar number 3, had so much respect that foreign rulers were staying in his house; he invested mainly in Spanish America and Curacao. His cousin, also Balthasar, went with brother Johannes in words the slave trade. In 1685 was Balthasar-4 the asiento,A license of the Spanish crown to annual 3000 slaves to the Spanish colonies to trading.

The current headquarters of Amnesty The Netherlands. source
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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