Wanneer u op vakantie gaat of tijdelijk het systeem wilt uitschakelen  번역 - Wanneer u op vakantie gaat of tijdelijk het systeem wilt uitschakelen  영어 말하는 방법

Wanneer u op vakantie gaat of tijde

Wanneer u op vakantie gaat of tijdelijk het systeem wilt uitschakelen gedurende een bepaalde periode, is dit mogelijk met de functie Tijdelijk uit. In de zomer kunt u het systeem het beste aan laten, omdat hiermee warmte wordt opgeslagen. Dit noemen we regeneratie. U spaart hiermee voor de winter. Met Tijdelijk uit kunt u het gewenste
aantal dagen instellen waarop het systeem uit dient te blijven. Stel bij een vakantie altijd 1 of 2 dagen minder in dan de duur van de vakantie, zo is de woning bij thuiskomst weer op de juiste temperatuur. Na de ingestelde periode wordt de eerder ingestelde verwarming/koeling instelling weer actief. Tijdens de periode dat het systeem uit staat, wordt de temperatuur in de woning bewaakt, zodat het niet te koud of te warm wordt. Het zal in de woning niet kouder dan 18 ºC worden. Wanneer het warmer wordt dan 25 ºC zal het systeem gaan koelen. Bij afwezigheid wordt de voorraad tapwater
op energiezuinige wijze in stand gehouden om legionella vorming te voorkomen. Wanneer het systeem uit staat en er aan de ring wordt gedraaid, wordt het systeem weer geactiveerd en schakelt het over naar de instelling Automatisch verwarmen en koelen.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
when you go on vacation or want to temporarily disable for a certain period, the system is possible with the function temporarily. in the summer you can let the system the best, because this heat is stored. This is called regeneration. This saves you the winter. temporarily from you the desired
Setting the number of days that the system should remain out. imagine a vacation is always one or two days less than the duration of the holiday, so the house when coming home again at the right temperature. after the set period, the heating / cooling setting previously set active again. during the period when the system is off, the temperature in the home guards,so it is not too cold or too hot. it will not be colder than 18 ° C are in the house. when the temperature is over 25 º C, the system will start cooling. absence, the stock water
energy-efficiently maintained to avoid the formation of legionella. When the system is turned off and turned to the ringthe system is activated and switches to set the automatic heating and cooling.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
When you go on vacation or want to temporarily disable the system during a given period, is this possible with the function temporarily. In summer, you can let the system best, because heat is stored. This is called regeneration. You save it for the winter. With temporarily you can
set number of days on which the system must remain out. Referral to a vacation always 1 or 2 days less than the duration of the holiday, so is the House when coming home again at the right temperature. After the set period, the previously set heating/cooling setting active again. During the period that the system is off, the temperature in the House guarded, so it's not too cold or too hot. It will be in the home is not colder than 18ºc. When it gets warmer than 25 ° C the system will go cooling. In the absence the inventory is tap water ensures maintained
legionella formation. When the system is off and going on the ring is turned, the system is activated and turns off the heat and cool about the Setup Automatically.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
When you go on vacation or temporarily disable the system for a certain period, this is possible with the function temporarily. In the summer, you can let the system the best to, because this heat is stored. We call this regeneration. You earn it for the winter. You can temporarily with the desired
Number of days which set off the system should remain. Set in a vacation always 1 or 2 days less than the duration of the holiday, so when you get home, the home again to the correct temperature. After the set period, the previously set heating/cooling setting active again. During the period the system is off, the temperature in the house monitors,So it is not too cold or too hot. The will of the house not colder than 18 ºC be. When the temperature exceeds 25 DEGREES C will make the system cool. In the absence is the stock sanitary hot water
on energy efficient way to prevent legionella formation. When the system is off and the ring is turned,Will re-activate the system and automatically switches to the setting heat and cool.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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